For several years now, we have been inviting you to take a short literary walk around Europe on Europe Day, together with the cultural institutes of the EUNIC Slovenia cluster (European Union National Institutions for Culture).
During this year's celebrations, authors from seven European countries will read excerpts from their works in their original language. Most of the books have been published in Slovenian, so the European readings are accompanied by subtitles directly from the translations of the Slovenian publishing houses. The authors accompany their readings with a short reflection on Europe and the world, which is becoming increasingly difficult to understand and live in.
This year, the following authors invited us to join them:
- CHRISTELLE DABOS (France / Belgium) who read excerpts from La Passe-miroir Livre 2: Les disparus du Clairdelune (Sanje, 2019), translation by Živa Čebulj
- CAROLINA CHUTTI (Austria), who read excerpts from Once I had to tread the sweet grass (Miš, 2020), translation by Tina Štrancar
- ROBERT FARKAS (Hungary), who read excerpts from My first book about the universe (Miš, 2019), translation by Maja Likar
- DANA GRIGORCEA (Switzerland), who read excerpts from The Lady with the Little Arabian Dog (translation by Tina Štrancar, Nataša Bauman, Dominika Mencin, Tina Reščič, Mateja Softić and Tina Toličič under the mentorship of Tina Štrancar, to be published in 2022 by JSKD)
- MARGARYTA YAKOVENTI (Spain), who read excerpts from the book Desencajada (Črna ovca) (not yet translated into Slovenian)
- COLUM McCANN (Ireland), who read excerpts from And Let the Wide World Go Crazy (Sanje, 2010), translation by Alenka Ropret
- MOJCA KUMERDEJ (Slovenia), who read from The Deaf Room (Goga, 2022)
The Austrian Cultural Forum in Ljubljana, the French Institute of Slovenia, the Liszt Institute - Hungarian Cultural Centre, as well as the Swiss, Spanish and Irish Embassies in Slovenia are taking part in this walk prepared by the Vodnikova domačija. All participants donate their works to the Library under the Trees - Knjižnica pod krošnjami project.